Monday, January 17, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

Lens Shot Photography is currently just a on-location service, going to clients homes, outdoor locations, etc...  but we are really thinking about what we should do.

My current situation doesn't provide me with the finances to rent out a studio space.  Do I need a studio now, or should it be something I work towards?  There are many photographers that only work from studios, whereas I feel like I do quality, just as good work, without the aid of one.

I'm so close to the end of grad school... with no teaching jobs in sight.  Working so hard with no hope of a job in the immediate future.  My photography is my life!  I hope that after school is finished I can truly devote more time to seeing the world and it's beauty once again through my lenses.

In other news:  Check us out!  My first ever solo gallery exhibit opens February 1st, 2011 at the Star Gallery in Frostburg, MD.  So excited!

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